Widows' ministry


1 Timothy 5:3 commands us to “Honor widows who are widows indeed.” It is our desire at Grace Presbyterian Church to honor and serve our beloved widows by meeting their spiritual and physical needs in the following ways:

  • Semi-Annual Widows’ Work Days (May and November) – Volunteers perform planned maintenance and repairs at our widows’ homes twice a year.
  • Unplanned maintenance and repairs – We assist our widows throughout the year with unexpected maintenance and repairs using skilled church volunteers.
  • Friends or Family Servants – We ensure that each widow has a church member (family or friend) assigned to her who checks in on her on a regular basis.
  • Widows’ Banquet – On the Sunday closest to Valentine’s Day, we provide a luncheon after church hosted by Grace’s families with school-aged children & youth.


Church members interested in volunteering their time and talents to the Widows' Ministry may call Bob McEwen at 706-896-7835 or Doug Browsberger at 706-747-5383.